Southern Wind sponsored by Nara Prefecture

Experience the beauty and delicious cuisine of Nara.

In September of last year, the southern part of Nara Prefecture was hit by a large typhoon.  Many areas were badly damaged by the storm and resulting flood.   Reconstruction is still ongoing, but this story is largely unknown to the world.

We hope to share and reflect on the rare and splendid nature of Nara through our video, talk sessions, photo gallery, and food and craft exhibition.  The people meet and and help each other with a cooperative spirit that is becoming more and more uncommon.


Southern Wind in Nagoya

Seating capacity: 800 (400 pairs)

Date: August 29, Wednesday

16:00~20:30    Food and craft exhibition plus special photo display in foyer (lobby)

18:00~19:00    Talk show by Kiyokazu Washida and Naomi Kawase in the Main Hall

19:20~20:30    Special screening “INORI” in the Main Hall

Venue:             WINC AICHI

            4-4-38, Meieki, Nakamura ku, Nagoya-shi


Southern Wind in Osaka

Seating capacity: 350

Date: October 2, Wednesday

16:30 Doors Open ※Special Photo Display 10:00-20:00

17:00~18:00 [Naomi Kawase and Guests Talk Show]

18:00~19:30 [Special Screening of "Inori"]

Venue:           Kintetsu Art Center

            Kintetsu Department Store, Abeno Branch, 9th floor


□Food and Craft Exhibition and Special Photo Display

Fresh From The Farm! We offers a wide range of fresh foods and vegetables from the heart of Yamato area.  Alongside their products are presented photographs depicting the great spirit and smiling faces of the villagers. No reservation necessary! Anyone can participate!  We look forward to seeing you all.

※Food and Craft Exhibition at Nagoya event only.

minami01.jpg□"Inori" Special Screening
NARAtive2012 Film "Inori"

□Talk Show

Naomi Kawase - filmmaker, NARAtive producer

kawasenaomi.jpgBorn in Nara. Graduated from Osaka School of Photography (currently the School of Visual Arts Osaka) Department of Cinema.  Kawase’s films have always been set in her home town of Nara. She won Camera D'Or for her debut feature film "Suzaku" at the Cannes International Film Festival in 1997 as the youngest winner in its history. 

Since then, her films "Hotaru" (2000)‚ “SHARA” (2003), and “Tarachime” (2006) have been awarded prestigious prizes at various festivals.  "Mogari no Mori" (2007) won the Grand Prix at the 60th Cannes International Film Festival. In 2008, her early documentary films were released in the collection “Tsumugu”, and her new film “NANAYOMACHI” was released.

Kawase has been the executive director of Nara International Film Festival since 2010.

Official site

Official twitter

“Utsukushiki Nippon” (Beautiful Japan), her Nara-focused video work series, is now distributed via Internet.


Kiyokazu Washida - (philosopher, professor at Otani University)portrait_nikkei.jpg

Born in Kyoto in 1949. Graduated from Kyoto University, Department of Literature, and Kyoto University Graduate School of Literature in 1977.

Professor of Literature at Kansai University, Professor and Head of Literature (Philosophy) course at the University of Osaka Graduate School, Osaka University Board of Directors, Assistant Director, President of Osaka University until August of 2011.  He Received the Purple Ribbon Medal in 2004.

With a philosopher's mind, Washida has been discussing and criticizing topics ranging as far and wide as the human body, the role of others, social norms, fashion, the concept of ownership, and the nationstate.

Recently, Washida has been engaged in the “Clinical Philosophy” project, aiming to direct philosophical thought directly at the source of societal problems.

Washida’s published works include:

“Kikukoto no Chikara (The Power of Listening)” published by Hankyu Communications and awarded the Kuwabara Takeo Arts and Science Prize.

“Mode no Meikyu (The Labyrinth of Fashion)” published by Chikuma Gakugei Bunko and awarded the Suntory Arts and Sciences Prize.

“Guzuguzu no Riyu (Reasons for Lingering) awarded the Yomiuri Literary Prize.

“Merleau-Ponty” published by Kodansha.

“Kao no Genshogaku" (Facial Phenomenology) published by Kodansha Gakugei Bunko.

“Himei wo ageru Karada" (The Complaining Body) published by PHP Shinsho.

“Oi no Kuhaku" (The Vacuum of Age) published by Kobundo.

“Wakariyasui ha Wakarinikui?” (Easy to Understand is Hard to Understand?) published by Chikuma Shinsho

And his books on the subject of earthquakes are:

“Katarikirenai koto – Kiki to Itami no Tetsugaku" (Too Much to Say - A Philosophical Approach to Crisis and Pain) published by Kadokawa Shinsho.

“Tohoku no Shinsai to Souzouryoku (The Tohoku Megaquake and The Power of Imagination) co-authored by Norio Akamatsu, published by Kodansha.


Sponsor:                                  Nara Prefecture

Planning and organizing:         NPO Nara International Film Festival Organizing Committee

Special Cooperation:                Kumie Inc., DAICHI WO MAMORU KAI,

The School of Visual Arts Nagoya, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, WINC AICHI


Contact Information:

NPO Nara International Film Festival Organizing Committee

8-3F Tsunofuri Shinya-cho, Nara-shi, Nara pref.

FAX 0742-26-3507





 昨年9月に大型台風の大水害にあった奈良県南部。 その爪あとは深く、未だ復興作業は続いているものの、そのことは世間ではあまり知られていません。 この類まれなる奈良の奥地、そこで助け合って暮らしている村人たちの姿を雄大な自然を映像、トーク、写真、物産販売を通して、多くの人に知っていただければと思います。

12:00~16:30【物産展+パネル展示】 ウッドデッキほか
14:00~15:00【トークショー】藤沢久美×河瀬直美(定員150組300名) 15:20~16:30【映画「祈」特別試写会】 会場:3331 Arts Chiyoda (東京都千代田区外神田6-11-14)
16:00~20:30 【物産展+パネル展】ホワイエ
19:20~20:30【映画「祈」特別試写会】※要申込(応募フォームへのリンク) 会場:ウィンクあいち (名古屋市中村区名駅4丁目4-38)
協力:有限会社組画、大地を守る会 問い合わせ先:
〒630-08223 奈良県奈良市角振新屋町8-3F
TELL FAX 0742-26-3507
雄大な自然や笑顔溢れる村人のパネルを展示します。 □映画「祈」特別試写会
NARAtive2012作品「祈」 □トークショー
奈良市生まれ。大阪写真(現ビジュアルアーツ)専門学校映画科卒業。劇場映画デビュー作「萌の朱雀」でカンヌ国際映画祭新人監督賞を史上最年少受賞。その後、「火垂(ほたる)」「沙羅双樹」「垂乳女⁄Tarachime」などで映画祭での受賞を重ねる。「殯の森」は2007年カンヌ国際映画祭でグランプリを受賞。2008年には初期ドキュメンタリー集DVDBOX「紡ぐ」をリリース、また新作「七夜待(ななよまち)」が公開された。2010年より開催予定の「なら国際映画祭」エグゼクティブディレクターを務める。公式HP: 鷲田清一(哲学者)
1949年京都市生まれ。京都大学大学院文学研究科博士課程単位取得退学。関西大学教授、大阪大学教授、大阪大学大学院文学研究科長・文学部長、大阪大学理事・副学長、大阪大学総長を経て、2011年9月より大谷大学文学部教授。 藤沢久美(シンクタンク・ソフィアバンク副代表)

大学卒業後、国内外の投資運用会社に勤務。1996年に日本初の投資信託評価会社を起業。 1999年同社を世界的格付け会社スタンダード&プアーズ社に売却。 2000年にシンクタンク・ソフィアバンクの設立に参画。現在、副代表。 2003年社会起業家フォーラム設立、副代表。2005年より、法政大学ビジネススクール客員教授も兼務。

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